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ABI Encode

The ABI Encode has 2 types which are encode and encode_packed.

  • encode will concatenate all values and add padding to fit into 32 bytes for each values.
  • encode_packed will concatenate all values in the exact byte representations without padding. (For example, encode_packed("a", "bc") == encode_packed("ab", "c"))

Suppose we have a tuple of values: (target, value, func, data, timestamp) to encode, and their alloy primitives type are (Address, U256, String, Bytes, U256).

Firstly we need to import those types we need from alloy_primitives, stylus_sdk::abi and alloc::string:


This code has yet to be audited. Please use at your own risk.

// Import items from the SDK. The prelude contains common traits and macros.
use stylus_sdk::{alloy_primitives::{U256, Address, FixedBytes}, abi::Bytes, prelude::*};
// Import String from alloc
use alloc::string::String;

Secondly because we will use the method abi_encode_sequence and abi_encode_packed under alloy_sol_types to encode data, we also need to import the types from alloy_sol_types:

// Becauce the naming of alloy_primitives and alloy_sol_types is the same, so we need to re-name the types in alloy_sol_types
use alloy_sol_types::{sol_data::{Address as SOLAddress, String as SOLString, Bytes as SOLBytes, *}, SolType};


Then encode them:

// define sol types tuple
type TxIdHashType = (SOLAddress, Uint<256>, SOLString, SOLBytes, Uint<256>);
// set the tuple
let tx_hash_data = (target, value, func, data, timestamp);
// encode the tuple
let tx_hash_bytes = TxIdHashType::abi_encode_sequence(&tx_hash_data);


There are 2 methods to encode_packed data:

  1. encode_packed them:
// define sol types tuple
type TxIdHashType = (SOLAddress, Uint<256>, SOLString, SOLBytes, Uint<256>);
// set the tuple
let tx_hash_data = (target, value, func, data, timestamp);
// encode the tuple
let tx_hash_data_encode_packed = TxIdHashType::abi_encode_packed(&tx_hash_data);
  1. We can also use the following method to encode_packed them:
let tx_hash_data_encode_packed = [&target.to_vec(), &value.to_be_bytes_vec(), func.as_bytes(), &data.to_vec(), &timestamp.to_be_bytes_vec()].concat();

Full Example code:


// Allow `cargo stylus export-abi` to generate a main function.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "export-abi"), no_main)]
extern crate alloc;

/// Import items from the SDK. The prelude contains common traits and macros.
use stylus_sdk::{alloy_primitives::{U256, Address, FixedBytes}, abi::Bytes, prelude::*};
use alloc::string::String;
// Becauce the naming of alloy_primitives and alloy_sol_types is the same, so we need to re-name the types in alloy_sol_types
use alloy_sol_types::{sol_data::{Address as SOLAddress, String as SOLString, Bytes as SOLBytes, *}, SolType};
use sha3::{Digest, Keccak256};

// Define some persistent storage using the Solidity ABI.
// `Encoder` will be the entrypoint.
pub struct Encoder;

impl Encoder {
fn keccak256(&self, data: Bytes) -> FixedBytes<32> {
// prepare hasher
let mut hasher = Keccak256::new();
// populate the data
// hashing with keccack256
let result = hasher.finalize();
// convert the result hash to FixedBytes<32>
let result_vec = result.to_vec();

/// Declare that `Encoder` is a contract with the following external methods.
impl Encoder {

// Encode the data and hash it
pub fn encode(
target: Address,
value: U256,
func: String,
data: Bytes,
timestamp: U256
) -> Vec<u8> {
// define sol types tuple
type TxIdHashType = (SOLAddress, Uint<256>, SOLString, SOLBytes, Uint<256>);
// set the tuple
let tx_hash_data = (target, value, func, data, timestamp);
// encode the tuple
let tx_hash_data_encode = TxIdHashType::abi_encode_params(&tx_hash_data);

// Packed encode the data and hash it, the same result with the following one
pub fn packed_encode(
target: Address,
value: U256,
func: String,
data: Bytes,
timestamp: U256
)-> Vec<u8> {
// define sol types tuple
type TxIdHashType = (SOLAddress, Uint<256>, SOLString, SOLBytes, Uint<256>);
// set the tuple
let tx_hash_data = (target, value, func, data, timestamp);
// encode the tuple
let tx_hash_data_encode_packed = TxIdHashType::abi_encode_packed(&tx_hash_data);

// Packed encode the data and hash it, the same result with the above one
pub fn packed_encode_2(
target: Address,
value: U256,
func: String,
data: Bytes,
timestamp: U256
)-> Vec<u8> {
// set the data to arrary and concat it directly
let tx_hash_data_encode_packed = [&target.to_vec(), &value.to_be_bytes_vec(), func.as_bytes(), &data.to_vec(), &timestamp.to_be_bytes_vec()].concat();

// The func example: "transfer(address,uint256)"
pub fn encode_with_signature(
func: String,
address: Address,
amount: U256
) -> Vec<u8> {
type TransferType = (SOLAddress, Uint<256>);
let tx_data = (address, amount);
let data = TransferType::abi_encode_params(&tx_data);
// Get function selector
let hashed_function_selector = self.keccak256(func.as_bytes().to_vec().into());
// Combine function selector and input data (use abi_packed way)
let calldata = [&hashed_function_selector[..4], &data].concat();



name = "stylus-encode-hashing"
version = "0.1.7"
edition = "2021"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
keywords = ["arbitrum", "ethereum", "stylus", "alloy"]

alloy-primitives = "=0.7.6"
alloy-sol-types = "=0.7.6"
mini-alloc = "0.4.2"
stylus-sdk = "0.6.0"
hex = "0.4.3"
sha3 = "0.10"

tokio = { version = "1.12.0", features = ["full"] }
ethers = "2.0"
eyre = "0.6.8"

export-abi = ["stylus-sdk/export-abi"]

crate-type = ["lib", "cdylib"]

codegen-units = 1
strip = true
lto = true
panic = "abort"
opt-level = "s"